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Who we are

New Brunswick Association of Fire Chiefs (NBAFC)

The NBAFC is the voice of over 4850 Officer and Fire Fighters within the Province New Brunswick.

The fire service of New Brunswick is no different than our counterparts worldwide, a mix of career and volunteer firefighters who meet the challenges of fire suppression, fire prevention, rescue, emergency medical services and Hazardous Material response. Continuous training is a necessity for the fire service in order to keep abreast of the changing technologies.

The NBAFC continues to strive to improve legislation in areas of Training for our fire service as well as Fire Prevention & Safety Education to our Provincial Schools to educate our children in fire safety. Health and Safety is the number one priority of our firefighters and we continue to meet with Government to stress the importance of providing our members with the most up-to-date equipment and regulations.

The NBAFC continue to deal with various Government Departments on a number of initiatives, but not limited to:

Maintain the support of Bill 5, a bill to amend the WSNB to recognize certain types of cancer associated with fire fighting. We continue to lobby the Government to amend Bill 5 for other types of Cancers which are not part of the present legislation.

Continue to be involved with WSNB on behalf of the Fire Service.

Continue improving the delivery of funding or firefighter training in New Brunswick.

Working closely with the Office of the Fire Marshal and Provincial Government to enhance programs to improve the ability to recruit, train and retain volunteer firefighters.

Continue to strongly support the Annual Fire Service Training Workshop with financial and personnel support; a highly successful venture which we are very proud to inform you is in its 15th year and continues to grow each year with the dedication of the fire service, giving hours of their time to make this happen.

Working with the Office of the Fire Marshal to adopt a Fire Service Act and Fire Prevention Act for the Province of New Brunswick.

Some of our recent successes have included:

Implementation of two Heavy Response Teams and four Light Teams throughout New Brunswick for Hazardous Material Responses.

Implementation of Fire Apparatus Standard for Local Service Districts.

The NBAFC’s annual colour book fundraising campaign, which sees over 10,000 free bilingual Fire Prevention colouring books with fire safety tips distributed across the province. Funds from this campaign are also distributed to our nine regional associations to be utilized for training of Fire Fighters and Officers.

Live Fire Training continues annually throughout the Province with the financial assistant of the New Brunswick Department of Public Safety, Office of the Fire Marshal.

We would also encourage all Fire Service members and interested citizens to utilize the NBAFC website as a tool to communicate with the various fire departments and government agencies. Communication is the key to safety in the home. The Fire Service is available to answer your questions.

As President of the NBAFC, I wish to take this opportunity to thank the citizens and businesses of New Brunswick for their financial support towards our annual campaign to assist in the training of our Fire Fighters.

The Fire Prevention Information and Activity booklet which is also obtained with this funding is distributed throughout the Provincial Schools and businesses to ensure our children are educated in the importance of fire safety and Prevention.

Thank you

Your President

Volunteer Firefighters

Fire Suppression

Continuous Training

Fire Prevention

Emergency Medical Services

Fire Safety Journal




Fire Departments


Regional Associations




Years of Experience

Fire Departments and Government Agencies

Health and safety are the number one priority


NBCC Miramichi Fire Services

NBCC Fire Service Training is responsible for designing, developing and delivering common stream bilingual firefighter training to all firefighters in the province of NB...

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NB Fire Marshal

The Office of the Fire Marshal carries out the provisions of the Fire Prevention Act, and delivers fire prevention and protection programs...

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Annual Convention May 2025

NBAFC  2025 Convention

  Delta Moncton May 23-25, 2025

BOOK your room early.
Link is to Hotel venue but cannot offer special right yet.
Link to follow shortly for group rate.

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