Awards Program
The Awards Pamphlet
Request for more information can be sent to:
998 King Ave, Bathurst, New Brunswick, Canada, E2A 1S1
(506) 381-3999
- ac.cfabn@nimda
Certificate of Courage

The Certificate of Courage Award may be given to firefighters who clearly distinguish themselves by displaying great courage while under minimal risk of personal injury. This includes attempting to save or saving a life or preventing substantial loss of property. Firefighters who receive this honor have usually performed acts that clearly show courage or bravery.
Presented on behalf of the NBAFC by a senior fire official.
Firefighter Educational Bursary
Applications for this Bursary will be received by the office of the NBAFC no later than March 31st, of each calendar year. The applications will be reviewed by the Awards Committee of the NBAFC for recommendation to the Board of Directors of the NBAFC.
Criteria for Bursary will include:
- Must be a dependent of or a member of the NB Fire Service
- Applicant must be a enrolled in a recognized post-secondary education institution in Canada
- Applicant must meet the admission standards of the post-secondary institution that he/she is attending and provide proof of acceptance.
- Application must include evidence of integrity, initiative, ambition (letter of reference)
Hall of Flame
The Hall of Flame’s objectives are:
- To recognize and honour the devotion of fire service members who significantly contributed to the development and advancement of the fire service in New Brunswick and or who have performed functions well beyond the normal scope and routine of their daily duties.
- To permanently and publicly record and display the achievements of such individuals.
Medal of Valour

The Medal of Valour may be awarded to any New Brunswick firefighter who has exhibited exceptional conduct, extraordinary courage, regardless of his or her own personal safety, in the attempt to save or protect human life. This act is deemed to be above and beyond the call of duty and is one of the most prestigious awards that the NBAFC bestows, given when firefighters have knowingly risked their own lives to perform outstanding acts.
Presented on behalf of the NBAFC by a senior government official.
President's Awards
The Presidents Award may be given to firefighters with accomplishments such as devotion to duty, service to the public and bringing positive commendation to the fire service. The Presidents Award allows some discretion to the NBAFC to tailor specific awards to meet the needs of the fire service. For example:
Excellence in Training:
- Celebration of successes in the managing and conducting of training initiatives and to promoting the sharing of knowledge and information to increase efficiency, effectiveness and safety on the fire grounds.
Excellence in Leadership:
- In recognition of exemplary leadership and management in an organization that produces innovative achievements, resulting in a quality fire service, ensuring a continued commitment to the citizens of the Province of New Brunswick.
Presented by the President of the NBAFC or his/her delegate